Well, actually Camden's been sitting up for about 6 weeks, but is a pro at it now!!

And now he's up on his hands and knees rocking and scooting...sometimes a "step" forward before belly-flopping, sometimes a "step" backward!
Camden has almost sat himself up several times, although he doesn't realize how close he is to doing that.
He also gets up on his hands and tip toes with his bottom in the air and REALLY doesn't know where to go from there!
It's so much fun watching him and seeing the little wheels in his head turning trying to figure all of this out.
A couple of nights ago all of us sat around him in a semi-circle in the living room floor watching him beginning to crawl.
We'd laugh and clap and he'd giggle and grin!!

He loves his floor mat gym. Here he's looking at himself in the mirror attached to it...