Tuesday, April 18, 2006

*The Easter Bunny Came to Town!!

Gran gave Camden bunny ears for Easter. He was so funny just leaving them on and posing for pictures. Can you tell he's a frequently photographed child?!
Nannie decided to try on the bunny ears for size!

He wore his little preppy golf outfit to church. Daddy bought him this outfit (go figure!) He looked so handsome! He and Daddy had their pictures made just last week with Camden in this outfit... his 6 month pictures.

The girls were NOT wanting their picture made after church (they were ready to change clothes)! I was lucky to get a shot at all. (And I couldn't get Shelbi to brush her hair! Surprise, Surprise!!) Should have taken pics BEFORE church! But here's one that's OK...

I was able to snap a few more pictures of all of the kids later in the afternoon. Some were during what Joe called the "shortest Easter egg hunt in history"!!

Alli & Kelli tried on their prom dresses for us.

However, they've both apparently found different dresses since Sunday and these two beautiful dresses are going back!! So, stay tuned for prom pics in a few weeks...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Traci! Pam sent me the link to your blog. It's great. Your family is just precious. What cute kids! Have fun with your little one...and the girls too.

I would love to get together with you and Pam sometime when we are in town.

Karen (Brem) Hansen