Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"Tomorrow's Memories"

One thing that's kept me so busy over the summer is that I started my own photography business: Tomorrow's Memories Photography, LLC. I'm so excited! I wish I could do photography full-time...maybe one day!! Joe & I are talking about converting our formal dining room into a studio. I've had business cards printed up, and I'm currently targeting 2006-2007 High School Seniors for business.

I'm working on a "real" website (meaning using FrontPage instead of the templates my web hosting company provides). But you can check out my website anyway at http://www.tomorrowsmemorieswaco.com/. I've taken two online photography courses through our community college this summer, and soon I'm hoping to join an online photography school with personalized training under an amazing portrait photographer. I want to focus mainly on portrait photography. I haven't decided if I'm going to do weddings yet.

My first paid job was taking pictures of an acapella, Christian singing trio called Beyond Jordan. One of the singers, Kelli "Mac" works with my sister. The shoot was fun and we got a lot of good shots out of it. They're wanting to use the photographs in promotional materials and their demo CD insert.

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